Yettel selects PR agency through an exclusive tender

Telecom operator continues cooperation with Noguchi

For the first time since 2020, Yettel Hungary announced a tender for PR and communications. After the three rounds of the tender, it selected Noguchi, its current partner, as the winning bidder among the invited agencies.
The three-round exclusive tender was completed with the participation of 4 well-known Hungarian agencies with strong references. The agencies had to develop an integrated communication campaign concept based on a detailed brief, in line with the company’s ESG commitments. Noguchi was selected by Yettel’s professional team for its outstanding performance in the tender, in addition to success in previous years and close partnership.
“In the previous tender, we were looking for a rebranding partner and found one in Noguchi, who helped us successfully launch the Yettel brand and has been working with us seamlessly ever since. The telecommunications and internet market is a dynamic environment and we believe it is about to undergo major changes, so in the new tender we wanted to create a situation where we could test the most talented domestic agencies and find the right partner for the journey ahead. The fictitious project brief produced some exciting solutions, and we are grateful to all the bidders who took up the challenge and put a lot of hard work into their bids. The tender process was overseen by an external PR auditing firm, which is not common in Hungary, but their independent insight was invaluable to our work. We thank them for their contribution”, said Attila Mészáros, Yettel’s Corporate Communications Director.

As part of the partnership, which began in 2020, Noguchi worked on the launch of the 5G network, one of Hungary’s largest e-waste collection campaigns and the launch of the new Yettel brand, among other reputation, employer branding and branding campaigns.
“We see ourselves as strategic communications consultants, and long-term thinking and commitment are important foundations for this. It was certainly an advantage that we entered the Yettel Hungary tender with almost the same team as 4 years ago. I am very happy that, thanks to their achievements, we can continue to work with such an inspiring and people-centric brand as Yettel”, said Balázs Szántó, Managing Partner of Noguchi.
Over the past 4 years, Yettel Hungary and Noguchi’s joint projects have won a total of 12 prestigious national and international accolades, including the IPRA GWA, International Business Awards (“Stevie”) and Creative Prism award programs.