Mandatory annual data reconciliation for prepaid phone numbers

Under the legislation in effect since 1 January 2017, all operators are required to verify the identity of subscribers with existing prepaid call numbers annually, with the active involvement of the subscribers. Your data reconciliation deadline is the anniversary date of your contract, you have to do it by then every year.

What do you need to do?

  • We start sending SMS notification 60 days prior to your deadline, so that you have enough time to do the data reconciliation.
    One example for the SMS notification:
Kedves Ügyfelünk! A 2017-es törvényi változás miatt feltöltőkártyás ügyfeleinknek minden évben kötelező az adategyeztetés. Ennek a telefonszámnak az adategyeztetési határideje xxxx.xx.xx. Az adategyeztetést elvégezheted sorban állás nélkül kényelmesen és egyszerűen a megújult oldalon. Ügyintézéshez készítsd elő személyazonosító okmányodat és SIM-kártyádat egy telefonban. Üzleti ügyfeleink csak személyesen, Yettel üzleteinkben tudják az adataikat egyeztetni.  Yettel

  • When you receive a notification, please visit a Yettel store, bring along your identification document entitling you to enter/stay in Hungary (e.g. passport, residence permit) and do the data reconciliation. 

What do you need to have ready for data reconciliation?

All prepaid SIM cards you have and your identification document entitling you to enter/stay in Hungary (e.g. passport, residence permit).

What happens if you do not reconcile your data once a year?

We are required to disconnect phone numbers for which data reconciliation was not completed by the deadline.

Maximum number of cards

The legislation sets out that any private person may hold a maximum of 10 cards, while any company (or individual entrepreneurs and other organisations) may have a maximum of 50 prepaid cards that can be used to make voice calls (“limit”). Once the private person/company has reached the above limit, they may not conclude contracts for any further prepaid cards (e.g. contracts for new phone numbers, nor can they switch from postpaid subscription to prepaid subscription). When purchasing prepaid subscriptions, customers must declare that the number of their existing prepaid voice cards has not reached the limit.

Be aware of changes concerning prepaid subscriptions:

Please be informed that legislative provisions pertaining to prepaid subscriptions were fundamentally amended in January 2017, with the aim of reducing abuse and the uncontrolled transferral of SIM cards and the improved identifiability of subscribers. 

The amendments impact the process of concluding contracts pertaining to prepaid subscriptions in a number of ways, and also introduce new operator obligations during the term of the subscription. 

The changes affect all prepaid subscribers.

  • The resale of prepaid subscriptions is prohibited. 
  • The free of charge transfer of SIM cards to any third person (user) is possible only if the subscriber notifies Yettel of this fact in advance, and also provides the data required to verify the user’s personal identification document (e.g. photo ID, driver’s licence or passport) (“specify/record user”). 
  • SIM cards may not be transferred to companies or other organisations, but may still be given without limitations to close relatives (e.g. spouses, direct relatives, siblings – however, civil partners, mothers-in-law or fathers-in-law do not qualify as such). 

Please pay particular attention to the reporting obligation, because if you transfer your prepaid subscription to persons other than your direct relatives for use without prior notification or data verification, it gives grounds for the immediate disconnection of the phone number.

Transfer is only allowed if the personal data has been successfully verified by the operator in the official records.

It is important to note that during the annual data reconciliation, the data of persons previously reported as users must also be reconciled by the subscriber.

Yettel is obliged to verify the validity of the personal identification document of the person acting on behalf of the individual subscriber or business subscriber, irrespective of the form in which such administration is conducted (at a store, over the phone, at or via Yettel application). Without the above, the subscription contract may not be concluded and the service cannot be used.

If the given subscriber does not have identification documents issued by the Hungarian authorities, they can only conclude contracts pertaining to a prepaid service in person at one of our stores, after presenting and allowing the verification of the validity of their identification document or certificate (passport, residence permit) making them eligible for travelling to and staying in Hungary. For such subscribers, other ways of concluding a contract pertaining to a prepaid voice service (e.g. purchase through, conclusion of contracts for Express packages by phone or online) will no longer be available.

Yettel is be obliged to notify the law enforcement body provided for by law if doubts arise concerning the correctness or compliance of the customer identification data recorded in relation to prepaid subscription contracts for voice calls or if the suspicion of a criminal offence arises in relation to the use of the service.

Yettel is obliged to immediately terminate a prepaid subscription contract for voice calls based on the notification received from the law enforcement body provided for by law.