Deadline extended for applications to Hégető Honorka Award

Applications are accepted until 17 September

The deadline for applications for this year’s Hégető Honorka Award has been extended to 17 September. Now in its 19th year, the award will be presented to journalists and reporters who highlight important and timely social issues, possible solutions and responses in the form of videos or photos.

RTL established the award in 2003 in memory of Honorka Hégető, who died at a young age in a car accident, to honour the efforts of journalists, reporters and photojournalists who, through their photos and videos, explore the most pressing social issues of the year and the possible solutions to them. With this award, RTL would like to pay tribute to the work of a colleague who died young in a car accident and whose reports focused on the plight of disadvantaged people.

The award is open to works (videos, single photos, or photo series) published online or broadcast on television between 1 August 2022 and 17 September 2023 that shall be submitted by applicants by the extended deadline of 17 September 2023.

This year, the applications will again be evaluated by Antónia Mészáros, journalist, former BBC, MTV and ATV staff member, and Executive Director of UNICEF Hungary, János Horvát, journalist and reporter, recipient of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, the Tolerance Award and the Rózsa Ferenc Award, and outgoing head of the jury, and Balázs Weyer, journalist, organiser of world music events, former founding editor-in-chief of Origo, and founding president of the Forum of Editors-in-Chief (Főszerkesztők Fóruma). The photos will be evaluated by Éva Keleti, Kossuth and Balázs Béla Award-winning photographer.

“Each year, the applications submitted for the Hégető Honorka Award reflect the most important issues on the national and international public agenda. While in 2020 and 2021, the applications were dominated by the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences, in 2022, the war in Ukraine was the main theme. The situation of disadvantaged and discriminated social groups, climate change, health and education are also recurring themes. Every year, I am proud to see the in-depth and sensitive work of outstanding journalists among the applications”, said Róbert Kotroczó, News Director of RTL Hungary and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hégető Honorka Foundation.

Yettel has been a long-standing sponsor of the Hégető Honorka Foundation and the Hégető Honorka Award. This year, the company is once again offering a special award to a selected project. Last year, in addition to honouring the creator of the winning video, the company also decided to support the cause that the application had brought to light, raising awareness of the irreplaceable work of journalists.

Terms and conditions:

Deadline for submitting applications: 17 September 2023

Format: moving picture, single photo or photo series

– for videos: 5 to 30 minutes
– for photos: 1 to 10 photos

Date of publication: 1 August 2022 to 17 September 2023

The application must include:
– name and contact details of applicant (phone number, e-mail address)
– project title and synopsis
– place and date of publication

Applications should be uploaded to  
Video format: YouTube link or Vimeo link

If you have any questions related to the application process, please contact Mária Ignatovics at

Sponsors of the award: RTL Hungary, the Hégető family, Yettel Hungary.