The streamer, the foodie, the tech-free and the insider

These are the classes of typical  festival goers – are you one of them?

Do you know the detailed program of the festival by heart? Do you know where to charge your mobile, or are you the one who always knows where to get the best food? With the summer festival season come the special and colourful personalities to party with, be them the biggest party animals or the all-knowing festival-goers who have been raving from the front row for 20 years. Read on to find out who you can expect to meet at Sziget, one of Europe’s most colourful festivals – and now you can even win a day ticket to the event, courtesy of Yettel.

The insider

You’re the one who knows which stalls have the best gifts, where the queues for the toilets are the shortest, and how to get to the front of the concert or even backstage. You’re on a first-name basis with the security guards, you’ve made several lifelong friends at the mobile phone charging point, and when people ask you where you are, you routinely answer with a memory: “the tent where we had the colour party last year”, “where we had fries last time”.  You won’t make the mistake of spending too much money on a burger, carrying your mobile phone charger around with you, or missing an exciting concert because you’re on the other side of the festival. You won’t be wearing a flashy festival outfit, but one that’s comfortable and practical in all weathers – because there’s always the chance of heat or rain.

The beginner

It’s the first festival of your life, or just your first Sziget, and you want to make the most of it. Body paint, colourful hair, bracelets, rhinestones, inflatable rubber animals – you try out the latest party trends without inhibition and are not afraid to go overboard. You want to live every festival experience, trying out all the games on the stands, taking selfies at the iconic venues, riding the Ferris wheel and planning the order in which you’ll attend all the concerts. You are friends with the insider who will help you find your way around the maze.

The streamer

A performer drinking beer incognito, surprise fireworks at the end of a concert, a dance duel with a dinosaur or an endless series of videos: you document everything that happens at festivals and your mobile is always with you. You check your coverage in advance, change your location every three minutes, and when your friends look for you, you just send a text or a picture saying “Big Stage”, “Yettel Colosseum” or “Gastro Garden”, but of course you’ve already set your mobile phone days in advance so that others can see your current location. And if something exciting happens, you’ll be streaming instantly – while you’re in the middle of the action, and eventually all your friends will be reposting your photos or videos.

The tech-free

Your motto is “always be present”. You want to live every minute of the festival, so you’ll arrive without any smart gadgets, your push-button phone will only be 10% charged and you’ll save it for emergency calls. You want to get to know the essence and depth of the festival and its visitors; you’re not afraid to try more extreme experiences like firewalking or bungee jumping; and your new friendships are for the present, not for future likes. After the festival, of course, you’ll be back on social media checking where you’ve been tagged and asking your streaming friends for all the pictures and videos.

The foodie

Who says going to a festival means eating only hot dogs and retro burgers? As an expert, you always know where to find culinary specialities at the best prices, you like to try foreign cuisines, the beers of small breweries or you’re a responsible eater/drinker – and you’re always willing to share your meals with others (#FoodPorn). You speak your mind, always enthusiastically reviewing and rating food for your environment and online. Whether your companion is vegetarian, gluten-free or vegan, you know where to find the perfect meal for them. And, of course, you’ll be the first to ask “why don’t we have something to eat?” between two concerts.

Whatever type of festival-goer you are, the main thing is to have fun and enjoy every moment of it. If you haven’t got a ticket yet and want to come to Sziget, here’s your chance to win a day ticket from the festival’s official telecoms partner.