The original Premier League Trophy comes to Törökbálint

Local football students can admire Manchester City’s trophy
In just a few days’ time, a historic event will take place at Yettel’s headquarters: the original Premier League Trophy, the most prestigious award in English football, currently held by Manchester City, will be on display. For one day, the event will also feature the prestigious Community Shield, also won by Manchester City.

The trophies will arrive in Törökbálint, the headquarters of Yettel Hungary, at the end of February as part of a visit to three European countries – Serbia, Bulgaria and Hungary. This event is made possible by a partnership between Yettel Hungary’s owner, e& – majority owner of e& PPF Telecom Group – and Manchester City Football Club.

Thanks to Yettel’s strong local ties, football students from Törökbálint will also be guests at the exclusive event to celebrate the arrival of two of the most prestigious trophies in English football – the Premier League Trophy and the Community Shield – both currently held by Manchester City.

“We are proud that our partnership with e& allows us to welcome a great relic of football history to our country and host this special event. This is the first time that the original trophy – which rarely leaves England – has come to us and with this inspiring experience we want to thank the Yettel team for their winning spirit and inspire our guests, including enthusiastic young players and coaches from the local football school,” said Igor Prerovsky, CEO of Yettel Hungary.

Manchester City is the first team to win the English Premier League for four consecutive years between 2021 and 2024. Last year, the team won the Community Shield for the seventh time in its history.

The Premier League Trophy is 104 cm tall, weighs 25.4 kg, has a solid sterling silver body and a 24-carat gold-plated silver crown. The design of the trophy is based on the theme “The Three Lions of English Football”. Two of the lions are above the handles on each side. When the captain of the title-winning team raises the Trophy and its gold crown above his head at the end of the season, he becomes the third lion.