AI and smartphone apps in education – ProSuli’s curriculum development competition reopens

“You shouldn’t be afraid of artificial intelligence, but find its place in education”

The buzzwords of modern school education include smartphone apps, artificial intelligence and gamification. ProSuli digital curriculum development competition announced for the fourth time is now open to teachers in ten categories. The aim of the competition is to support teachers by expanding their digital teaching opportunities. The resulting teaching materials will be made available to all teachers in the form of free video tutorials on Webuni.

Yettel’s digital education program ProSuli first launched its curriculum development competition for teachers in 2020, with the aim of making best practices in exciting and effective digital teaching methods available to all teachers. Hundreds of entries have been received over the past years, from which a professional jury has selected the best ones, which are still available free of charge to anyone on the website of Webuni. This year, the deadline for submissions is 2 June. Of the applications submitted, the twenty best ideas selected by the jury will be implemented during a four-week online training course. ProSuli will support the winners with the internet access they need to work. The creators of the best eight video-based learning materials will also receive a prize of HUF 100,000 each. Teachers can submit their applications in any of the following ten categories:

•    digital testing
•    artificial intelligence in education
•    hybrid teaching techniques
•    distance learning solutions
•    smartphone apps
•    subject-specific solutions (indicating the subject)
•    virtual reality solutions
•    project-based learning
•    gamification in education
•    evaluation methods

Teachers with a higher education degree are invited to apply. They should submit a teaching script of up to half a page, indicating the theme and the course of the classes and the age group targeted. One applicant can submit ideas in up to three of the above categories. No prior online curriculum development skills are required to participate. Teachers can use their existing ideas in their application, there is no need to submit completely new projects.

•    Deadline for submitting applications: 2 June 2023, midnight
•    Selection of the 20 best applications, notification of winners: 8 June 2023
•    Starting date of the four-week online training: 13 June 2023 (1 online session per week)
•    Selection of the eight best applications: 15 August 2023

“With the widespread availability of artificial intelligence, digital education is on the verge of a great leap forward and a great opportunity. That’s why we are encouraging teachers to use this technology and share best practices in this year’s curriculum development competition. It used to seem strange to use of smartphones and apps in the classroom but they are now routine in many schools, making teachers’ jobs easier and students’ learning experiences more enjoyable. So, you shouldn’t be afraid of artificial intelligence either, but find its place in education”, said Balázs Koren, head of the ProSuli program.

For more information, please visit ProSuli’s website at